2(03) | Dictionaries of religion |
2(059) | Almanacs (calendars) of religion |
2(07) |
2-1 | Theory and philosophy of religion. Nature of religion. Phenomenon of religion |
2-11 | Schools of theology characterised by various attributes |
2-12 | Concepts in religion. Religious ideas. Theology |
2-13 | The Holy. The sacred. The supernatural. Object(s) of religion / worship |
2-132 | Definition |
2-133 | Origin |
2-134 | Nature. Taboo, herem, sacredness |
2-135 | Representation. Symbols. Symbolism |
2-135.2 | Individual symbols |
2-135.3 | Letters and numbers. Numerology |
2-136 | Manifestation of the supernatural |
2-136.2 | Form of the supernatural. Morphology |
2-136.3 | Dynamism. Pre-animism |
2-136.4 | Fetishism. Worship of animate and inanimate objects |
2-136.6 | Manism. Mana. Gaia. Pantheism. Supernatural inherent in material world |
2-136.7 | Animism |
2-136.8 | Totemism |
2-137 | Objects of worship specifically |
2-138 | Humans and parts of humans |
2-14 | God. Gods (Personalised god(s) as distinct from immanent spirits) |
2-141 | Existence of God |
2-142 | Origin of god(s). Theogony |
2-143 | Activities of God(s). Works of God(s) |
2-144 | Attributes of god(s) |
2-144.2 | Name of god(s) |
2-144.3 | Physical form, appearance |
2-144.4 | Anthropomorphism |
2-144.5 | Representation of the god(s). Images of the god(s) |
2-144.7 | Spirit of God(s). Essence of God |
2-144.8 | Personal characteristics, traits. Nature of the god(s) |
2-144.81 | Lordship. Kingship. Oneness |
2-144.82 | Benevolence |
2-144.83 | Transcendence |
2-144.84 | Knowledge. Omniscience |
2-144.85 | Immanence |
2-144.86 | Power. Omnipotence |
2-144.87 | Presence. Omnipresence |
2-145 | Role, function of god(s) |
2-145.2 | Creator god. Demi-urge. Designer God. Deism |
2-145.3 | Preserver god. Theism. Providence. Safekeeping and governance of the world |
2-145.4 | Destroyer |
2-145.5 | Controller god. Deus ex machina |
2-145.55 | Divine intervention. Miracles |
2-145.6 | Responsibilities. Areas of influence of god(s) |
2-145.8 | God(s) as judge(s). Divine judgement |
2-146 | Typology of god(s) |
2-146.2 | Sky father |
2-146.3 | Earth mother |
2-146.5 | Warrior gods |
2-146.6 | Tricksters |
2-15 | Nature of god(s) |
2-154 | Single god. Supreme being. Monotheism |
2-156 | Opposing gods. Paired gods. Dualism |
2-157 | Multiplicity of gods. Pantheon. Polytheism |
2-158 | Named gods / goddesses |
2-16 | Hierarchy and gender of god(s). Divine personifications. Supernatural, mythical creatures |
2-162 | Gender of god(s) |
2-162.2 | Genderless (usually assumed) |
2-162.4 | Gods |
2-162.6 | Goddesses |
2-162.8 | Hermaphrodite gods. Androgynes |
2-163 | Hierarchy of the gods, organization of the pantheon |
2-164 | Demi-gods |
2-165 | Divine personifications. Hypostatizations |
2-166 | Divine incarnations. Avatars |
2-167 | Supernatural beings. Spirits. Genii. Genies. Djinns |
2-167 | Angels. Angelology. Angel hierarchy |
2-167.25 | Archangels (by function) |
2-167.251 | Questioners |
2-167.253 | Keeper of Hell |
2-167.255 | Keeper of Paradise |
2-167.3 | Messengers |
2-167.4 | Guardians (by characteristics) |
2-167.5 | Benevolent |
2-167.6 | Malevolent |
2-167.62 | Demons. Devils |
2-167.64 | Satan. The devil. The evil one |
2-167.7 | Changeable. Unpredictable |
2-167.8 | Semi-divine beings. Half mortals |
2-168 | Deified beings |
2-169 | Mythical creatures |
2-169.5 | Therianthropic beings (Part human part animal) |
2-17 | The universe. Nature of the universe. Cosmology |
2-17 | The universe. Nature of the universe. Cosmology |
2-172 | The material world. The physical environment |
2-172.2 | Origins. Cosmogony. Creation of the world |
2-172.24 | State before creation. Chaos. Primordial chaos |
2-172.25 | Primal, primeval battle |
2-172.27 | Axis mundi |
2-172.4 | Theological aspects of elements in the material world |
2-173 | Underworld. Netherworld |
2-174 | Spiritual realms. Heaven. Abode of the gods. Spirit world |
2-175 | Eschatology. End of the world. Last things |
2-175.2 | Apocalypse. Apocalyptic |
2-175.25 | Signs of the end times |
2-175.27 | Events of the end times |
2-175.3 | Last judgement |
2-175.35 | Damnation |
2-175.4 | Annihilation. Conflagration. Destruction of the world |
2-175.5 | Twilight of the gods |
2-175.6 | Cosmic restoration. Cosmic apokatastasis. Transformation |
2-175.7 | Kingdom, rule of the god(s) |
2-175.75 | Millennialism. Chiliasm |
2-18 | Man. Mankind. Humanity. Doctrinal anthropology |
2-181 | Origins of man |
2-181.5 | Creation of man |
2-181.7 | Primeval paradise. Earthly paradise |
2-182 | Purpose, destiny of man |
2-183 | Nature of man |
2-183.5 | The soul. The spirit. Human spirit |
2-183.7 | Freedom. Free will. Predestination |
2-184 | Man’s relation to god(s) |
2-184.2 | Religious feelings. Religious experience |
2-184.25 | Abnormal feelings. Religious fanaticism |
2-184.27 | Illusory feelings, experience. Religious delusions |
2-184.3 | Faith. Belief in god(s) |
2-184.35 | Formal acknowledgement of faith. Religious conversion |
2-184.4 | Doubt. Unbelief |
2-184.5 | Denial. Apostasy |
2-184.6 | Grace |
2-184.7 | Covenantal relations |
2-184.8 | God’s response to man |
2-184.85 | God’s gifts to man. Gifts of the Holy Spirit |
2-185 | Human experience. Life |
2-185.2 | Suffering |
2-185.3 | Evil. The problem of evil. Sin |
2-185.32 | Origin and nature of sin. Nature of evil |
2-185.325 | Original sin. Inherent sinfulness of mankind. Fall of man |
2-185.33 | Repentance. Contrition |
2-185.35 | Atonement for sin |
2-185.36 | Forgiveness. Remission. Absolution |
2-185.5 | Salvation. Soteriology |
2-185.52 | Justification |
2-185.53 | Redemption |
2-185.57 | Reconciliation |
2-186 | Death. The dead |
2-187 | Life after death. Afterlife. Hereafter |
2-187.2 | States of being. Forms of continued existence |
2-187.3 | Immortality. Persistence of life |
2-187.4 | Restoration (apokatastasis) of souls |
2-187.55 | Birth and re-birth |
2-187.6 | Resurrection. Rejuvenation. Restoration of the physical body |
2-187.7 | Spiritual, immaterial body. Heavenly body |
2-187.8 | Liberation of the soul from the body |
2-187.85 | Annihilation. Cessation of existence. Non-being. Assimilation. Nirvana |
2-188 | Spiritual realms. Non-material world. Spirit world |
2-188.2 | Access to the spirit world |
2-188.25 | Preparation |
2-188.26 | Judgement |
2-188.3 | Journey to the spirit world. Ascension. Descent |
2-188.5 | Heaven. The heavens. Paradise. Abode of the gods. Astral plane |
2-188.55 | Abode of ancestors |
2-188.6 | Intermediate state. Limbo. Purgatory |
2-188.7 | Hell. Underworld. Hades. Sheol |
2-188.75 | Abode of ghosts |
2-2 | Evidences of religion |
2-21 | Natural theology. Evidence of the natural world. Rational arguments for belief |
2-22 | Revealed theology. Revelation of god(s) |
2-225 | Theophany. Hierophany. Kratophany |
2-23 | Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts |
2-231 | Parts of religious texts |
2-231.1 | Chapters |
2-231.12 | Verses |
2-232 | Original texts. Canonical works of scripture |
2-233 | Variants |
2-234 | Translations (i.e. from the original text) |
2-235 | Versions of sacred texts |
2-236 | Rewritings. Paraphrases |
2-236.5 | Narrative summaries. ‘Bible stories’ |
2-236.7 | Parodies |
2-24 | Specific texts. Named texts and books |
2-25 | Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts |
2-252 | Apocrypha. Pseudepigrapha (other than as named) |
2-254 | Commentary on sacred works |
2-256 | Interpretative works. Works of guidance on practice |
2-262 | Oral forms. Oral tradition |
2-264 | Myths and legends |
2-265 | Other literary forms |
2-265.2 | Poetic works |
2-265.3 | Epics and sagas |
2-265.4 | Dramatic works |
2-265.6 | Ritual drama. Ritual re-enactments |
2-266 | Law. Legal codes. Legal texts |
2-268 | Texts on ‘secular’ subjects (e.g. medicine, science) |
2-27 | Critical works |
2-271 | Aids to study |
2-271.4 | Parallel forms. Interlinear texts. Harmonies |
2-271.5 | Annotated versions |
2-272 | Concordances |
2-272.4 | Verbal concordances |
2-272.5 | Subject concordances |
2-273 | Commentaries |
2-274 | General criticism |
2-274.2 | Authorship, origin of texts |
2-274.4 | Canon. Canonicity |
2-274.6 | Authority, inerrancy of scripture |
2-275 | Textual criticism |
2-275.2 | Textual apparatus |
2-276 | Literary criticism |
2-276.2 | Origin and formation of scriptures |
2-276.3 | Documentary hypotheses |
2-276.4 | Form criticism |
2-276.5 | Redaction criticism |
2-276.6 | Literary content |
2-276.63 | Symbolism |
2-276.64 | Typology |
2-276.66 | Allegory |
2-276.7 | Historical criticism. Salvation history. |
2-277 | Interpretation. Understanding |
2-277.2 | Exegesis. Hermeneutics |
2-277.3 | Eisegesis |
2-277.4 | Literalist, fundamentalist interpretation |
2-277.6 | Allegorical interpretation. Numerical interpretation |
2-277.7 | Demythologizing |
2-278 | Theology of sacred texts. Theological content |
2-279 | Religion as demonstrated in sacred texts. Religious practice |
2-28 | Other religious texts |
2-282 | Ritual texts. Texts used in worship practice. Liturgical texts, liturgies |
2-282.2 | Comprehensive liturgical works |
2-282.3 | Creeds and confessions of faith |
2-282.4 | Catechisms |
2-282.5 | Prayer books. Books of prayers |
2-282.7 | Service books. Missals. Breviaries |
2-283 | Historical documents. Evidential documents. Historical records. Contemporaneous accounts. Letters |
2-284 | Works of doctrine, dogma. Articles of faith. Systematic theology. Dogmatics |
2-285 | Defence and exposition of doctrine |
2-285.2 | Apologetics |
2-285.4 | Polemics |
2-286 | Other forms of religious texts |
2-287 | Sermons as a form |
2-29 | Religious literature |
2-3 | Persons in religion(founders, messiahs, inspired persons etc.) |
2-31 | Originator, founder, central figure of the faith |
2-312 | Founder’s life |
2-312.1 | Birth, nativity |
2-312.2 | Early life. Period previous to call to prophethood |
2-312.4 | Family of the founder |
2-312.45 | Father |
2-312.47 | Mother |
2-312.5 | Other significant individuals in founder’s life |
2-312.6 | Initiation. Conversion. Enlightenment |
2-312.7 | Ministry. Public life |
2-312.8 | Death |
2-312.9 | Events after death. Resurrection. Ascension |
2-313 | Relics of the founder |
2-315 | Accounts, anecdotal material |
2-317 | Memoirs. Sayings. Deeds |
2-318 | Founder as model, example |
2-32 | Messiah(s) |
2-33 | Inspired persons. Prophets |
2-335 | Scholars. Thinkers. Philosophers |
2-337 | Reformers |
2-34 | Martyrs |
2-35 | Ascetics. Hermits. Fakirs |
2-36 | Saints. Bodhisattvas. Enlightened ones |
2-37 | Mahatmas. Gurus. Wise men |
2-38 | Charismatics. Persons with supernatural powers( Shamans. Witch doctors. Medicine men. Sorcerers) |
2-382 | Shamans. Witch doctors. Medicine men. Sorcerers |
2-384 | Cultic priests. High priests |
2-386 | Thaumaturgers. Wonder workers. Miracle workers |
2-39 | Theocratic sovereigns. Divinely appointed kings. Sacral kingship |
2-4 | Religious activities. Religious practice |
2-41 | Social behaviour and activities. Non-formal religious practice and observance |
2-42 | Moral behaviour. Moral theology( Right and wrong. Good and evil. Ethical systems. Ethical theory. Religious ethics. Ethics directly derived from religious systems. Religious laws, obligations, moral precepts, moral laws. Regulations. Religious duties) |
2-423 | Right and wrong. Good and evil |
2-423.3 | Knowledge of right and wrong |
2-423.35 | Conscience. Guilt |
2-423.4 | Freedom to act. Free will. Human ethical actions |
2-423.42 | Influences on the exercise of free will |
2-423.44 | Determinism |
2-423.45 | Predestination |
2-423.47 | Temptation |
2-423.5 | Wrongdoing. Sin |
2-423.53 | Origin, source of wrongdoing |
2-423.55 | Nature of wrongdoing. Nature of sin |
2-423.57 | Specific sins |
2-423.58 | Seven deadly sins. Mortal sins |
2-423.59 | Venial sins |
2-423.7 | Good. Virtue. The good |
2-423.73 | Origin of good |
2-423.75 | Nature of virtue |
2-423.77 | Specific virtues |
2-423.78 | Cardinal virtues, etc. |
2-423.79 | Theological virtues |
2-425 | Ethical systems. Ethical theory |
2-426 | Religious ethics. Ethics directly derived from religious systems |
2-427 | Informal promotion of the faith. Acting as exemplar or ambassador for the |
2-428 | Religious laws, obligations, moral precepts, moral laws. Regulations. Religious duties |
2-428.2 | Nature of religious law |
2-428.3 | Requirements of law |
2-428.4 | Prohibitions by religious laws, duties, obligations |
2-428.5 | Obedience to the law |
2-428.6 | Interpretation of law |
2-428.7 | Exemption from law |
2-428.8 | Transgression of law |
2-428.85 | Mitigation |
2-428.87 | Indulgences |
2-428.9 | Amendment, cancellation of law |
2-43 | Social customs and practice. Social theology |
2-44 | Social behaviour |
2-441 | Self-emptying. Kenosis |
2-442 | Food and diet |
2-442.4 | Food laws |
2-442.45 | Dietary requirements. Dietary limitations |
2-442.47 | Abstinence. Fasting. Prohibition |
2-442.5 | Rules concerning specific foods and drinks |
2-443 | Personal hygiene and appearance. Personal conduct |
2-443.5 | Clothing. Headgear |
2-443.7 | Cutting, wearing, arrangement of the hair |
2-444 | Social relationships |
2-444.2 | Friendships |
2-46 | Charity. Support for others. Pastoral activities. Pastoral theology in the broad sense |
2-47 | Education in religion |
2-475 | Preaching (as education and instruction) Including: Sermons |
2-5 | Worship broadly. Cult. Rites and ceremonies |
2-523 | Buildings for religious use. Ecclesiology Including: Shrines. Temples. Mosques. Churches |
2-526 | Objects in worship. Furnishings and decorations(Furniture. Altars. Reliquaries. Aids to prayer) |
2-53 | Acts of worship (by participants) |
2-54 | Ceremonies by purpose(Confession of sins. Penitence. Expiation. Atonement. Absolution. Purification. Blessing. Communication with the deity.Communion) |
2-55 | Sacraments. Sacramentals (Rites of passage. Stages in life. Birth. Transition to adulthood. Betrothal. Marriage. Wedding ceremonies. Death. Funeral ceremonies) |
2-56 | Celebration (Feasts and festivals. Holy days. Religious calendar. Religious year) |
2-6 | Processes in religion |
2-65 | Comparison of religions |
2-67 | Relations between faiths or with society in general. Religion and society (Tolerance. Irenics. Dialogue. Ecumenism) |
2-7 | Religious organization and administration |
2-72 | Nature and structure of the organized religion, church. Ecclesiology (Persons in religion. Officers of the religion (priests, ministers, leaders)) Lay persons. Adherents and non-adherents |
2-73 | Government of the religion (Ruling bodies. Synods. Convocations) |
2-74 | Legal administration. Religious law. Canon law |
2-76 | Recruitment. Missionary activity. Missions broadly. Missiology |
2-77 | Organizational structure of the faith, religion |
2-78 | Religious organizations. Religious societies and associations (Religious orders proper. Monastic orders. Monasticism) |
2-8 | Religions characterised by various properties |
2-84 | Properties relating to the state (National religions. Established churches. State religions) |
2-87 | Schismatic groups. Heresies |
2-9 | History of the faith, religion, denomination or church |
21/29 | Religious systems. Religions and faiths |
21 | Prehistoric religions. Religions of early societies |
212 | Prehistoric religions |
213 | Religions of early societies |
22 | Religions originating in the Far East |
221 | Religions of China |
221.3 |
223 | Religions of Korea |
225 | Religions of Japan |
23 | Religions originating in Indian sub-continent. Hindu religion in the broad sense |
233 | Hinduism narrowly |
233-13 | The Holy. Brahma. Absolute being |
233-14 | God(s) and goddess(es): Devi. Ganesh. Kali. Shiva. Vishnu |
233-1 | Theory and philosophy of Hinduism. Hindu theology |
233-23 | Sacred texts: Sruti. Vedas. Samhitas. Upanishads. Vedanta. Sutras |
233-5 | Worship in Hinduism. Ritual practice |
233-523 | Hindu temples |
233-56 | Feasts and festivals. Holy days: Divali. Durga puja. Hol |
234 | Jainism |
235 |
24 | Buddhism |
24-1 | Theory and philosophy of Buddhism. Nature of Buddhism |
24-17 | The Buddhist view of the universe. Cosmology |
24-23 | Buddhist Sacred books. Scriptures. Religious texts |
24-24 | The Pali Canon (canon of the Theravada school). Tipitaka. The Three Baskets |
24-31 | Buddha. Gautama Buddha. Adi Buddha |
24-36 | Saints. Boddhisatvas. Enlightened ones |
24-4 | Buddhist religious activities. Buddhist religious practice |
24-5 | Buddhist worship broadly. Buddhist rites and ceremonies |
24-523 | Buddhist temples |
24-72 | Persons in Buddhism: samgha, disciples, ‘priesthood’, upasaka |
24-78 | Buddhist organizations. Buddhist societies and associations. Monastic orders |
241 | Hinayana Buddhism. The lesser vehicle. Theravada Buddhism. Pali school |
242 | Mahayana Buddhism. The great vehicle |
243 | Lamaism |
244 | Japanese Buddhism |
25 |
251 |
252 | Religions of Mesopotamia |
254 |
255 |
257 |
258 |
26 | Judaism |
26-1 | Jewish theology |
26-14 | God. Jewish understanding of God |
26-23 | Sacred texts. Tanakh. The Hebrew Bible. Torah |
26-25 | Talmud |
26-46 | Pastoral activities in Judaism. Charity |
26-47 | Education in Judaism |
26-475 | Preaching in Judaism |
26-5 | Worship in Judaism. Ritual practice |
26-523 | Jewish temples. Synagogues |
26-55 | Sacraments. Sacramentals. Rites of passage: circumcision, Bar mitzvah |
26-56 | Feasts and festivals: Sabbath, Rosh haShanah (New Year), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Pesach (Passover), Succoth |
26-72 | Rabbis. Priests |
261 | Religion of the Biblical period. Ancient Judaism. Old Testament religion |
262 | Ashkenazi Judaism |
264 | Sephardi Judaism |
265 | Orthodox Judaism |
266 | Progressive Judaism |
267 | Modern movements arising from Judaism |
27 | Christianity |
27-14 | God. Christian understanding of God |
27-1 | Christian theology |
27-23 | Sacred texts. The Bible: The Old Testament, The New Testament |
27-31 | Jesus Christ. Christology. The Holy Family. Joseph. The Virgin Mary |
27-36 | Christian saints |
27-46 | Pastoral activities. Pastoral theology: Christian charity, support |
27-47 | Education in Christianity |
27-523 | Christian churches. Shrines. Cathedrals |
27-55 | Sacraments. Rites of passage. Baptism. Wedding. Funerals |
27-56 | Feasts and festivals. Christian festivals. Church year. Christian calendar. Christmas. Lent. Easter. Saint’s Days |
27-72 | Clergy. Christian ministers: archbishops, bishops, priests, vicars |
271/279 | Christian churches and denominations |
271 | Eastern Church. Eastern Christianity |
271.2 | Orthodox Church |
271.7 | Monophysite rite |
271.72 | Armenian Apostolic Church |
271.722 | Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria Abyssinian church |
271.723 | Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church |
271.74 | Antiochene church |
271.742 | Syriac Orthodox Church / Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East |
271.744 | Maronite church / Syriac Maronite Church of Antioch |
272/279 | Western Church. Western Christianity |
272/273 | Catholic church |
272 | Roman Catholic church |
273 | Non-Roman Catholic episcopal churches |
274/278 | Protestant churches |
274 | Protestantism generally. Protestants. Dissenters. Puritans |
275 | Re-formed churches |
276 | Anabaptists |
277 | Free churches. Non-conformists |
278 | Other protestant churches |
279 | Modern Christian movements and churches |
279.11 | Adventism |
279.15 | Pentecost movement |
279.17 | Jehovah’s Witnesses |
28 | Islam |
28-1 | Islamic theology |
28-14 | Allah. God. Islamic understanding of god |
28-23 | Sacred texts. Koran (Qur’an) |
28-31 | Muhammad the Prophet |
28-46 | Pastoral activities. Sadaqah |
28-47 | Education in Islam |
28-523 | Mosque. Chief centre of worship |
28-55 | Rites of passage. Circumcision (Bismillah). Wedding. Wallimah. Funerals |
28-56 | The Muslim calendar. Feasts and festivals: Muharram, Mawlid al-Nabi, Laylat al-Mi’raj, Ramadan |
28-72 | Persons in Islam: scholars, teachers, leaders, ulama, mullah, imams, khatibs |
281 | Sufism |
282 | Sunni. Sunni Islam |
284 | Shia. Shiite Islam |
285 | Babi-Bahá’í |
286 | Bahá’í |
29 | Modern spiritual movements |