34 Law Jurisprudence
34(03) Law Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
34(031) Law– Encyclopaedias
34(038) Law–Dictionaries
34(077) Law–Handbooks, manuals, etc.
34(075) Law–Textbooks
34(09) Law—History
34(3/9) Legislative systems of particular countries
34(47.925) Law—Armenia(Republic) Armenia(Republic)—Law and legislation
34(47.925)(09) Law—History—Armenia(Republic) Armenia(Republic)—Law and legislation—History
34(47) Law – Soviet Union
34(47)(09) Law–History–Russia Law– History– Soviet Union
340 Law Common law (Law in general. Legal methods and auxiliary sciences)
340.1 Types and forms of law
340.12 Law schools
340.14 Unwritten law. Non-statute law. Ius non scriptum. Other sources of law
340.15 Historical types and systems of law
340.153 Feudal law
340.158 Socialist law
340.5 Comparative law
340.6 Medical jurisprudence Forensic Medicine
340.63 Forensic psychiatry
Trials Judicial process Judicial speeches
341 International law
341(03) International law — Dictionaries.
341(075) International law – Textbooks
341.1 Law of international organizations International agencies — Law and legislation International organizations – Law and legislation
341.12 League of Nations
341.123 United Nations Organization (UN/UNO)
341․16։001 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
341.18 International law – Congresses Law, international – Congresses
341.2 Persons and things in international law
341.211/.214 States. Sovereign states. Semi-sovereign states. United States. Federal states. Confederation. Neutral States
341.215.4 Civil law–International unification Civil procedure (International law) Civil defense (International law)
341.221 Recognition of states Territorial waters
341.222 Boundaries Borderlands
341.225 High seas Law of the sea Maritime law
341.226 – 347.82 Law of the air Airspace (Law) Aeronautics – Law and legislation
341.231.14 Human rights
341.24 Treaties International treaties and agreements
341.3 Military law.
341.31 War (International law) War, Declaration of
341.323 Blockade
341.326 ➙ 355.40 Espionage Espionage–Law and legislation Espionage—Prevention Secret service Intelligence service Military intelligence
341.326(73) Espionage, American
341.33 Humanitarian law. Red Cross Geneva Conventions (1949 August 12) War–Relief of sick and wounded War–Relief of sick and wounded–Planning War–Relief of sick and wounded–Moral and ethical aspects
341.4 International criminal law
341.43 Political refugees Political refugees–Legal status, laws, etc. Political refugees–Government policy
341.46 War crime trials Nuremberg War Crime Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1946-1949
341.6 International arbitration. International adjudication, jurisdiction International law
341.7 Diplomatic relations–Law and legislation
341.71 Ambassadors
341.8 Consular law
341.9 International private law. Conflict of laws
342 Public law. Constitutional law Administrative law
342.1 State. People. Nation. Power of the state
342.2 State. Structure of states
342.228 State symbols
342.3 Supreme authority. Sovereignty. Forms of state. Forms of government
342.31 Sovereignty
342.34 Democracy
342.37 Constitutional monarchy
342.38 Republic
342.4 Constitutions. Legislative assemblies. National assemblies
342.5 Power of the state. System and function of organs of government
342.511 Presidents
342.518 Prime ministers
342.53 Parliaments.
342.55 Local government
342․56 Judicial power Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
342.7 Fundamental rights. Human rights. Civil rights. Rights and duties of the citizen
342.71 Citizenship. Civil rights.
342.72/.73 Constitutional freedoms. Freedom of conscience
342.727 Freedom of speech
342.729 Civil rights demonstrations
342.731 Freedom of religion
342.8 Suffrage Electoral law.
342.82 Electoral systems
342.843 Voting
342.9 Administrative law
343 Criminal law. Penal offences
343(075) Criminal law—Textbooks
343(077) Criminal law– Handbooks
343(47.925) Criminal law — Armenia (Republic)
343.1 Trials (Crimes and offenses) Criminal procedudre Criminal justice
343.1(47.925) Criminal procedure–Armenia (Republic)
343.2 Criminal law
343.22 Criminals
343.23 Crime
343.24 Punishmen Punishment (Psychology) — 159.9
343.25 Capital punishment Capital punishment–Law and legislation
343.264 Exile (Punishment)
343.3/7 Particular offences. Specific punishable acts
343.3 Political crimes and offenses
343.31 Counterrevolutions
343.32 Espionage. Terrorism Treason–Law and legislation
343.337 War crimes War and crime Genocide
343.337(09) Genocide–History. Genocide–Research.
343.34 Public order offences.
343.352 Corruption
343.353 Abuse of administrative power
343.359 Smuggling Smuggling–Law and legislation Smuggling—Prevention
343.4 Offences against fundamental liberties, human rights Including Offences against individual liberty Duress (Law) Threat Harassment Stalking Violent crimes
343.43 Human trafficking Sexual harassment
343.5 Offences against public credit, morality, the family Family violence Family violence–Law and legislation
343.51 Securities fraud
343.531 Counterfeits and counterfeiting Fraud
343.55 Adultery Adultery–Law and legislation
343.593 Drug abuse and crime Alcoholism and crime
343.593 Hooliganism
343.6 Offences against the person
343.61 Homicide Murder
343.62 Infanticide Abortion Kidnapping
343.63 Libel and slander
343.7 Offenses against property
343.77 Offenses against the environment
343.72 Fraud
343.8 Punishment. Execution of sentence. Crime prevention. Deterrence
343.812 Prisons
343.818 Military prisons–Law and legislation
348.88 Juvenile delinquency Juvenile delinquency–Law and legislation
343․9 Criminology
343.91 Criminals
343.97 Criminology–Social aspects
343.976 Drug abuse and crime Alcoholism and crime
343.98 Criminology—Research Criminology—Research—Methodology Criminology–Study and teaching
343.988 Victims of crimes Victims of crimes–Legal status, laws, etc. Victims of family violence War victims Traffic accident victims Disaster victims Suicide victims Rape victims
344 Special criminal law. Military, naval, air force laws
344.13 Military offenses
344.2 Military offenses
344.3 Trials (Military offenses) Military courts
344.4 Naval offenses–Law and legislation Naval law
344.7 Air Force law
346 Economic law Law of government control of the economy
347 Civil law Trials, litigation, etc.
347(075/077) Civil law – Textbooks, Handbooks
347(47.925) Civil law – Armenia (Republic)
347.15/.18 Civil status. Birth certificates. Identity cards. Registry offices. Civil register
347.2/3 Property
347.214.2 Real property
347.23 Right of property
347.243 Land tenure–Law and legislation —349.4
347.243.9 Forests and forestry — Law and legislation Forests and forestry–Multiple use–Law and legislation Forests and forestry–Taxation–Law and legislation Environmental law
347.246 Hunting – Law and legislation
347.247 Water–Law and legislation
347.249 Mines and mineral resources – Law and legislation
347.254 Housing–Law and legislation – 349.444
347.4 Commitments. Contractual liabilities.
347.453 Lease and rental services–Law and legislation
347.6 Domestic relations
347.61/64 Domestic relations a Domestic relations |x Law and legislation Family law
347.62 Marriage law
347.627 Divorce–Law and legislation
347.63 Paternity. Motherhood. Children. Illegitimate children
347.634/637 Alimony Conflict of laws—Alimony
347.65/68 Inheritance and succession Conflict of laws–Inheritance and successio
347.7 Commercial law Conflict of laws–Commercial law
347.72 Commercial associations–Law and legislation
347.73 Finance–Law and legislation
347.731 Stock exchanges Stock exchanges–Law and legislation
347.732 Brokers Brokers–Legal status, laws, etc
347.734 Banking Banking law
347.752 Foreign exchange Foreign exchange rates
347.77 Industrial property – Law and legislation Patent laws and legislation Patent and trade-mark law
347.78 Artistic and literary property Copyright
347.79 341.225 Maritime law –341.225 Rivers–Law and legislation Wild and scenic rivers–Law and legislation
347.796 Shipwrecks–Law and legislation
347.82 Airspace (Law) Aeronautics – Law and legislation
347.83 Broadcasting–Law and legislation Copyright–Broadcasting rights Copyright infringement Copyright licenses
347.9 Procedure (Law) Civil procedure
347.918 Permanent Court of Arbitration
347.93 Judicial process
347.94 Expertise
347.95 Sentences (Criminal procedure) Sentencing Appellate procedure
347.96 Lawyers Judges Ombudsman
347.961 Notaries
347․962 Judges
347.963 Lay prosecutors Special prosecutors Public prosecutors Private prosecutors
347.965 Judicial protection
347.97/.99 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
347.99 Courts Sentencing
347.991 Supreme Court
Supreme Court of Armenia
347.995 Circuit courts District courts
348 Canon law Religious law
349.2 Labor laws and legislation
349.2(47.925) Labor laws and legislation – Armenia (Republic)
349.3 Social security–Law and legislation
349.4 Land tenure–Law and legislation Land use–Law and legislation Land subdivision–Law and legislation Land reform–Law and legislation
35Public administration. Government.  Military affairs
351/354Public administration. Government.
35.07Administrative institutions
Administrative management
School of Management
35․071․5Administrative division
35.08Civil service
Government employees
Government service
Public officers
Public service employment
351Public administration
351.71Particular activities of public administration.
351.746      ➙
National security
Military intelligence
Intelligence service
Secret service
351.749Traffic police
տես նաև՝ 070.13
351.755.2Public records office
351.755.25Birth. Adoption. Marriage. Divorce. Death
351.755.3Passport offices. Registration
Passports–Data processing
351.76Police social work
Police–Supervision of
351.761Drug abuse and crime
Alcoholism and crime
Drug abuse—Prevention
351.9State supervision
352/354Levels of administration. Local, regional, central administration
352Local government
Local government—Administration
Municipal administration
Local authorities
353Regional administration
354Central administration
35 Public administration. Government.  Military affairs
351/354 Public administration. Government.
35.07 Administrative institutions Administrative management School of Management
35․071․5 Administrative division
35.08 Civil service Government employees Government service Public officers Public service employment
351 Public administration
351.71 Particular activities of public administration.
351.74/.76 Police
351.746      ➙ 355.40 341.326327.84 National security Military intelligence Intelligence service Espionage Secret service
351.749 Traffic police
351.751.5 տես նաև՝ 070.13 Censorship
351.755.2 Public records office
351.755.25 Birth. Adoption. Marriage. Divorce. Death
351.755.3 Passport offices. Registration Passports–Data processing
351.756 Visas
351.76 Police social work Police–Supervision of
351.761 Drug abuse and crime Alcoholism and crime Alcoholism—Prevention Drug abuse—Prevention
351.764 Prostitution Prostitution–Prevention
351.9 State supervision
352/354 Levels of administration. Local, regional, central administration
352 Local government Local government—Administration Municipal administration Local authorities
353 Regional administration
354 Central administration
Social security Public welfare Social welfare
364 Charity Charities Charitable companies Charitable organizations Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations
364.2 Social welfare issues
364.22 Poverty
364.23 Unemployment
364.25 ➞ 504.75 Disaster relief–Social aspects Disasters–Social aspects Emergency management–Social aspects Natural disasters–Safety measures Human ecology and environment
364.27 Vagrancy Suicide
Social Work Social service Support services (Management)
364.42/.44 Family social work Social work with youth Social work with children Social work with older people Social work with the homeless Support (Domestic relations)
364.42 Financial support
364.444 Medical social work
364.465 Social work with people with disabilities
364.6 People with disabilities–Care Children with disabilities–Care People with disabilities–Services for Children with disabilities–Services for
364.62 Social workers Volunteer workers in social service
364.65 Welfare recipients–Social conditions
365 Housing
368 Insurance
368.062/.063 Accident insurance
368.1 Property insurance
368.11/.15 Fire insurance
368.2 Automobile insurance
368.9 Life insurance Health insurance
368.5 Agricultural insurance
369 Social insurance.
369.3 Unemployment insurance
369։34 Insurance law
37 Education
37(47) Education–Soviet Union
37(47)(09) Education–Soviet Union–History.
37(47.925) Education–Armenia Education–Armenia (Republic)
37.01 Theory of education Educational theory Education–Philosophy Education–Study and teaching Education–Methodology
37.014 Educational policy
37.015.3 Pedagogical psychology
371 Teaching Training Instructional systems Pedagogical content knowledge Study and teaching Education, Primary–Study and teaching
371(07) Education Curricula
371(075) Education–Handbooks, manuals, etc.
371(077) Teaching–Aids and devices Effective teaching
371(09) Education–History.
371.092(092) Educators
371(47)(092) Educators–Russia
371(47.925)(092) Educators–Armenia
Teachers Teaching personnel Professors, masters instructors
371.11 Educational leadership
371.12 Teaching staff
371.2 School management and organization School organization School records
371.214 Curriculum planning Curriculums of subjects
371.22 Tuition fees Free tuition Scholarships
371.23 Terms Vacations Holidays Breaking up
371.231 School camps
Examinations Exams
371.3 Curriculum resource Methods of instruction and study Organization of instruction
371.322 Active learning
371.33 Verbal and visual teaching methods
371.334 Seminary method
371.335 School field trips
371.38 Practical teaching methods
371.381 Handicraft–Study and teaching
371.388 Laboratory method
371.4 Systems of education Montessori method of education
371.5 School discipline
371.6 School premises and equipment
371.61 School grounds
371.62 Schools School buldings School buildings–Design and construction School buildings–Planning
371.65 Classrooms Study, lecture and assembly rooms
Labaratory apparatus, equipment and supplies
371.7 School hygiene Health of students Overstudy Fatigue
371.73 Care of body Gymnastics Calisthenics
371.74 Recreations Games, etc.
371.8 School children–Social life and customs
371 .08.06 Fagging and hazing Bullying
371.83 Student organizations
371.87 Student houses Lodgings Dormitories
371.89 School children–Social life and customs School children–Uniforms
371.9 Special education
371.91 People with disabilities–Education
371.911 Blind children–Education
371.912 Deaf children–Education.
371.92 Developmentally disabled children–Education Children with mental disabilities–Education
371.927 Stuttering in children
371.95 Orphanages
372/373 Education, Primary Education, Primary–Study and teaching
372.21 ≌ 373.2 Education, Preschool Education, Preschool–Study and teaching Kindergarten Kindergarten facilities Nursery schools
Kindergarten–Methods and manuals Kindergarten–Curricula
Kindergarten–Activity programs
372.22 ≌ 373.3 Education, Elementary Elementary schools
372.3/4 Education, Preschool–Study and teaching Education, Primary–Study and teaching
373 Education, Primary
373.1 ≌ 371
373.2 Education, Preschool Education, Preschool–Study and teaching
373.21 Education, Preschool–Curricula
373.22 Nursery schools
373.24 Kindergarten Kindergarten facilities
373.3 Education, Elementary Elementary schools
373.31 Education, Elementary–Curricula
373.5 Education, Secondary High schools
373.51 Education, Secondary–Curricula
373.6 Vocational education
374 Home education Self Education and Culture
374.1 ≌ 371 Self Education
374.7 Adult education
374.7(07) Adult education–Curricula
376 ≌ 371.9 Special education
376.3 ≌ 371.927 Stuttering in children
376.5 Gifted children–Education
376.7 Minorities–Education
376.72 Religious minorities–Education
376.74 Linguistic minorities–Education
376.76 Illiterate persons– Education
377 ≌ 373.6 Vocational education
377.018.42 Evening and continuation schools
377.018.432 Distance education
377.031.4 Technical education
377.5 Art schools Colleges Vocational education Education–Vocational guidance Career education–Vocational guidance
377.5(47.925) Vocational education–Armenia (Republic)
377.8 Teachers–Training of
378 Education, Higher Education–Study and teaching (Higher) Education, Higher–Study and teaching
378(47) Education, Higher–Soviet Union
378(47.925) Education, Higher–Armenia (Republic)
378.1 Education, Higher–Curricula Education, Higher–Planning Education, Higher–Organization and management
378.12 ≌ 371.12 Teaching staff
378.124 Lecturers
378.18 College students–Conduct of life Students–Social life and customs College students–Social life and customs High school students–Social life and customs
378.22 Degrees, Academic
378.244 Universities and colleges–Graduate work Universities and colleges–Study and teaching (Graduate)
378.3 Universities and colleges–Finance
378.34 Scholarships Learning and scholarship
378.4 Universities and colleges
378.4(47.925) Universities and colleges–Armenia (Republic)
379.8 ➙ 793/794 Leisure Leisure industry Leisure–Research Leisure–Study and teaching Leisure–Planning Leisure–Study and teaching Leisure–Study and teaching (Higher)
379.85 ➙ 338.48 796.5 Tourism Tourism–Study and teaching Tourism–Planning Tourism–Employees–Training of
389 Metrology
389.1 Weights and measures Metric system
389.6 (см.  также 658.516) Standardization Normalization
39 Ethnology. Social life and customs Manners and customs Rites and ceremonies
Ethnic groups
39(47.925) Ethnology–Armenia(Republic) National characteristics, Armenian Armenians–Ethnic identity
391 Ethnic costume
391(479.25) Ethnic costume–Armenia
391.6 Care of person Body care Cosmetics
391.91 Tattooing
392 Manners and customs Rites and ceremonies
392(47.925) Manners and customs–Armenia Armenians–Social life and customs
392.5 Family Marriage Courtship Marriage and Sex
Man-woman relationships
392.91 Names, Personal Nicknames
393 Death Death and burial Funeral rites and ceremonies Funeral customs and rites
393 .05.02 Cremation
394 Social life and customs
394.2 Holidays Festivals
395 Etiquette Etiquette for children and teenagers
396 Women Women’s rights Women–Legal status, laws, etc
396(47) Women–Russia
396(47.925) Women– Armenia
396(~) Feminism Feminism International cooperation
398 Folklore Ethnic folklore
a Ethnic groups |v Folklore
398 (03) Folklore–Encyclopedias.
398-93 Folklore and children Children–Folklore
398(=91.57) Folk literature, Kurdish Folk poetry, Kurdish Folk songs, Kurdish Folk dancing, Kurdish
398 (32) Folklore–Egypt.
398 (4) Folklore–Europe
398 (42) Folklore–England.
398 (43) Folklore–Germany
398 (44) Folklore–France
398 (474.2) Folklore–Estonia.
398 (474.3) Folklore–Latvia
398(474.5) Folklore–Lithuania
398(476) Folklore–Belarus.
398(477) Folklore–Ukraine.
398(478.9) Folklore–Moldova.
398 (479) Folklore–Caucasus
398(47.92) Folklore–Transcaucasia
398 (47.922) Folklore–Georgia
398 (47.924) Folklore–Azerbaijan
398 (47.925) Folklore–Armenia
398 (5) Folklore–Asia
398 (51) Folklore–China
398 (515) Folklore–Tibet
398 (519) Folklore–Korea
398 (532) Folklore–Arab countries.
398 (55) Folklore–Iran.
398 (56) Folklore–Turkey
398 (581) Folklore–Afghanistan.
398 (575.4) Folklore–Turkmenistan.
398 (575.1) Folklore–Uzbekistan.
398 (575.3) Folklore–Tajikistan
398 (574) Folklore–Kazakhstan.
398 (575.2) Folklore–Kyrgyzstan.
398 (591) Folklore–Birma.
398 (596) Folklore–Cambodia.
398 (597) Folklore–Vietnam.
398 (6) Folklore–Africa.
398(7) Folklore–America.
398(73) Folklore–United States.
398(94) Folklore–Australia
398.2 Fairy tales Legends Sagas
398.21 ➞ 821…. – 34 Fairy tales
398.22 ➞ 821…-13 Epic poetry
398.22(47.925) Epic poetry, Armenian
398.23 Anecdotes Jokes Wit and humor
398.23 (47) Russian wit and humor
398.23(47.925) Armenian wit and humor
398.24 Myth Mythology Legends
398.3 Superstition
398.33 ➞ 394.2 Holidays
Mysticism Magic
398.6 Riddles
398.6(47.925) Riddles, Armenian
398.7 Dream interpretation
398.8 Folk songs
398.8 (47) Folk songs, Russian
398.8 Proverbs
398.9 (47) Proverbs, Russian
398.9(47.925) Proverbs, Armenian
398.9(47.925) Fables, Armenian